Baked Apples with Spicey Ginger Oatmeal Serves 4 4 apples juice from 1/2 lemon Apple Oatmeal 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice (or milk of choice

Mocha Truffles 12 medjool or soft dates, pitted 5 tbsp rolled oats 3 tbsp dried shredded coconut, unsweetened 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil, room temperature 2 tbsp cacao

QUINOA TABBOULEH SALAD Serves 4 1 cup quinoa 1 ¾ cups water or stock 1 tsp turmeric powder 2 medium tomatoes, diced into eighths 1/2 cucumber, slice lengthways, remove

Autumn Mallorcan Tabbouleh Salad 1.5 cups quinoa 3 cups vegetable stock 1 tsp turmeric powder 250g local white grapes, halved and deseeded 4 fresh local figs, diced 150g

CHIA & APPLE CRUNCH PARFAIT 1 cup milk of choice (oat milk, almond milk or coconut milk) 4 tbsp chia seeds zest from ½ lemon Warm Apple Crunch

BLACKBERRY AND APPLE SMOOTHIE 2 apples 1 small beetroot Ginger Handful spinach 1 teaspoon Acai powder Handful blackberries 1 banana (optional) Juice the apples, beetroot and ginger. Add

Almond butter 2-4 cups of almonds, hazelnuts or your favourite, lightly browned in a pan, or toasted. pinch of salt Transfer the roasted nuts/seeds to a food processor. Run it

CARROT CAKE BLISS BALLS Ingredients: 2 medium carrots, grated 12 dates (or 1/2 cup), pitted, chopped 1 cup almonds 1/4 cup walnuts 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon